Tuesday, August 21, 2007

On the road to yourself (favorite)

ooh, favorites... I have many. Chocolate, travel, art, prussian blue...

I bet one of everybody's favorites is the never-ending quest for your true self. You know, not that YOU that does the dishes and gets angry at people for not using their turn signals... the YOU that pours out of you when you paint, or sing in the car. The one that seems further away the closer you get.

Well, you get the picture...
I used some of my favorite papers: envelope linings and an arrival tag that somebody gave me along with some other scrapbooking stuff.

Let's hope we'll get there eventually....

1 comment:

Rosa Murillo said...

Pacha, I love all your found art! So creative, and I love all the necklaces! specially the chocolate one. My computer crashed so I haven't been around lately, and I'm sorry you couldn't find the topic for this week. It's under the "journal" tab, here's the link:
again, sorry!!!!