Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Honorable Mention (Mother)

How often does the Best Of Show award go to the wrong person? :o)
Well, this weeks Honorable Mention goes to Mother Earth and all other Muttis out there. You're the secret stars of the show and everybody knows you're the real stars.
Ralph Waldo Emerson said "Earth laughs in flowers". And our yard is one happy piece of Earth. And if you have never seen California poppies before, you have no idea! Those are the most amazing flowers I've ever seen. They're not as fancy as some roses or orchids, they are simply beautiful and their color is astounding.
I used a few dropped petals for my homage to the mothers. Since they are California State Flowers you are not allowed to pick them. Which led me to the idea of "Guerilla Gardening": collecting the seeds and spreading them around the neighborhood.

harharhar... :o)

P.S.: I hid it between some dollar bills and gave it to the guy in the toll booth at the Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco. I noticed that it produced a short jam at the booth and I appologize for it to fellow travalers.


Rosa Murillo said...

I love it! Are those really flower petals? wow!

Anonymous said...

liebste fransi,

damit du es weißt: ich lese deinen blog! regelmäßig. ich hoffe, du hast schon per telepathie vernommen, dass ich angetan bin? ich finde, dass auch freunde geehrt werden sollten. honor friendship. vielleicht gibts da ja bald was?

bald mehr infos von mir, *drück*

Shauna R said...

I love poppies too! This is so lovely...what is the beautiful center piece?