Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Peace Tin

"Peace between countries must rest on the solid foundation of love between individuals." (Mahatma Gandhi) That's what it says on the back of the found art tag.
When you open it, you find a purple clay pendant with the peace symbol on it. I first came across those pendants at a peace rally in the Golden Gate park in San Francisco. A guy named Joe Murphy makes them. They come in all kinds of colors and sizes and they all say "Peace" on them, in any language you can imagine. He made over 350,000 pieces already and says he will make them for the rest of his life. He calls it a Peace Chain. People are connected through his pendants, they are part of the big piece, part of world peace. I just love the idea. When we got married, we gave away those pendants as wedding favors to friends and family to symbolize that they are all part of our family and are connected with each other and everybody else who has a peace pendant. We had a rather international wedding (our minister conducted the ceremony in Spanish, my vows were in German and my husband's in English, for example), so those peace pendants with all the different languages on them fit perfectly.

Well, I still have e few pendants left, and every once in a while I pass one on. With Peace being the theme this week, it was a perfect time to make somebody part of world peace.

When I was working on the tin, I had a cup of Good Earth tea. On the tag it said: "If you want to make peace, you don't talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies." (Moshe Dayan). Weird coincidence, huh? So, I decided to include it in the tin, and it ended up on the inside of the lid.

I left it at Linnea's Cafe in San Luis Obispo. First I thought about leving it on the shelf with the cutlery but there were too many people around... I got scared. So I went to the bathroom. :o) They have a shelf above the toilet and I sat it on there. I was about to leave and turned around one one more time to look at the tin. And it totally looked like it is part of the decoration. So I moved it again, to the sink this time. And I made sure that the found art tag is visible. There I left it. I stayed a little longer to have lunch, but nobody went to the bathroom...


Kathy L said...

This was such an awesome project. I love the look of the tin and I love the quotes. Great Job!


Leah said...

this came out beautifully! i love the top of the tin, the peace pendant, the quote, and your tag! well, that's everything! :-)