Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Bottle of love

I had to wait for Valentines Day for this... :o)
It is an altered ketchup bottle with an Hershey´s kiss attached to the bottom of the lid.
They say if you love yourself, others will love you, too. That is the idea of the bottle. Be your own Valentine. Indulge yourself, treat yourself to something nice, make yourself happy - hence the kiss inside. Since it is "Random Acts of Kindness" week, I got myself an iced chocolate drink (like hot chocolate but cold, it was a beautiful sunny day here) and paid for two. They tag explains that it is found art and to be kept; it also says that there is a cold drink waiting at the counter to be picked up and enjoyed by the finder. I left it at the entrance to a Starbucks in Pismo Beach for someone to find it BEFORE he or she buys a drink. A couple of people saw me leaving it there, but weren´t brave or curious enough to check it out while I was still there...


Rosa Murillo said...

Pacha, I love it! I love the idea of the coffee waiting for the one who found it! I hope someone found it and is inspired to pay it forward!

An Odd Duck said...

I love the idea of the free drink. That is so nice. I also now want to save small ketchup bottles. It is so adorable.

Kathy L said...


THis was an awesome got me thinking girl!
